
Taming Your Copper & Fiber Internet Needs

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When did fiber optics become so popular?  The United States Government Was an Early Advocate and fiber optics grew from there. By the end of the 1990s, about 80 percent of the globe’s long-distance data traffic was transmitted through fiber optic cables, according to ThoughtCo.  June 6, 2019

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Advantages Of Fiber

Copper-based transmissions currently max out at 40 Gbps, whereas fiber optics can carry data at close to the speed of light.

Repeaters are needed every 5 km with copper wires but fiber can go 50km, in some cases, nearly 25 miles with the right equipment.

Fiber provides far more reliable data transmissions due to its resistance to interference, temperature fluctuations, and moisture.

Fiber wires are harder to tamper with and are far less likely to be affected by corrosive chemicals due to being made from glass.

Fiber technology providers, generally speaking, are more likely to offer “symmetrical bandwidth” to customers which equate to equal upload and download speeds.

Fiber can last from 30 – 50 years, not so with Copper.

Advantages Of Copper

Copper has been around much longer, therefore there are far more technicians who are proficient with copper than fiber.

Copper has exceptional resale value and copper cables and connectors are much cheaper than fiber.

Compared with other non-precious metals, copper wires can handle a wider load of electrical power, allowing it to use less insulation and armoring.

Copper has a high resistance to heat, eliminating most issues of overloading.

Copper wires are also resistant to corrosion.

Copper Wire Internet & Fiber Wire Internet Solutions

If you’re unfamiliar with the telecommunications world and fiber optics, Copper Wire & Fiber Wire Internet solutions may be confusing, but our experts at Internet Nerdz are here to help. Regardless of your comanies’ needs, we will match you with one of our 75+ fiber carriers to ensure your data gets from point A to B at the speed of light.

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